Flowers on Sunday Roses Past

Roses and evergreens are the unlikeliest friends, aren’t they?  I had forgotten what a pleasure these grower’s roses were last December.  Full petticoats on thin, soft stems – like miniature versions of lush garden roses, spinning their romantic dreams with a nod and a wink.  I think I’ll invite them for Christmas again this year, and see what they have to say for themselves.  I might take their pictures – if we all feel like it that day.

I have the Crud – not the Vid, thankfully.  So, we will not be thinking too hard about the week this evening, lest it make my nose runny and my eyes water.  I have had quite enough of that the past three days.  Except to note I lighted my new, $5 artificial tree (it was 75% off at the thrift store last January ) with hand-me down lights from my Berkman cousin.  And left a bunch of vintage Christmas geegaws lying around, so we might call that “decorated,” and be done.  Just kidding.  I have so many geegaws for Christmas.  There’s plenty more where those came from.

But mostly tonight, let’s just enjoy a visit with Roses Past, and maybe entertain an inkling of Roses Yet to Come.

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